Green Tea
I've always been a green tea obsessor for the longest time, and recently found out about the many benefits that it provides. It has many wonderful properties and can truly be called the elixir of health. Can you think of any other food or drink that provides anti-oxidants to remove free radicals, prevent cancers, burn fat, and even prevent tooth decay? Since it can do this when you drink it, it makes you wonder what it can do to your skin!
Green tea has been used as medicine in China for over 4,000 years. Although 75% of Chinese men are smokers, the risk of cancer is reduced by nearly 67%.
This scrub will help soften, smooth, and detoxify your skin. The sugar will help exfoliate it, making it more radiant and speed up cell turnover. Since sugar produces glycolic acid, a type of alphy hydroxy acid (AHA), it is a natural exfoliant. Green tea contains a lot of antioxidants, which will prevent free radicals and detoxify your skin. It will protect, repair, and improve your skin from its soothing and firming effects.
Let's gather our ingredients for our scrub now, shall we?
- Green tea (loose leaves or a tea bag)
- Sugar
- Boiling water
- Optional: honey/baby oil (moisturize), lemon (cleanse/brighten), yogurt (soothe)
Time to make our scrub
- Steep your green tea in boiling water, but not a full cup because we want it to be as saturated as possible. One third of a cup is fine.
- Steep until the water is very saturated in green tea, and until it is lukewarm.
- Scoop out 2 tbsp of sugar into a bowl. Then, using the same spoon, use it to put in 1 tbsp of the green tea onto the sugar.
- Swirl the sugar and green tea mixture slowly, but not too much or the sugar will dissolve. We want to keep the sandy texture for exfoliating.
- Next, scoop out one more tbsp of sugar, and swirl.
- Lastly, you can use any of the optional ingredients to enhance your scrub.
Make your skin happy!
- Use this scrub as you would with any other, but it's a good idea to use a cotton pad to apply onto your face first.
- When doing so, don't rub harshly, pressure isn't needed.
- After applying it, use your fingers and move it in circular motions without any pressure to exfoliate.
- Rinse, and now your skin will feel smooth and look fresher.
I hope you will enjoy using this scrub, remember that the best accessory anyone can have, is confidence and a smile : )